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2025 아카데믹 다이아몬드 서재

2025 서재 첫 구매 15% 할인!


구독 서비스 이용 중에만 구입 가능한 서재입니다. 지금 구독하기
  • 서재: 1,680권 이상의 디지털 도서를 제공합니다!
  • 핵심 자료: The Old and New Testament Library Series | OTL/NTL (68 vols.), Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament | EGGNT (14 vols.), International Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament (IECOT) and The New International Greek Testament Commentary (NIGTC) Commentary Collection (23 vols.), Encyclopedia Britannica Collection, Wiley Blackwell Bible Commentaries | WBBC: Old and New Testament (22 vols.)
  • 사용 대상: 학문적 연구 및 심층 성경 연구 학자, 목회자
  • 추천: 조현삼 목사, 이정규 목사, 김한원 목사, 김희석 교수, 강대훈 교수, 박재은 교수, 권성달 교수, 김명일 교수, 김광모 교수 외 다수
더 알아보기

2025 아카데믹 다이아몬드 서재는 강력한 성경 연구 도구에 연결되어, 더 쉽고 효율적으로 성경을 깊이 연구할 수 있도록 돕습니다. 2025 아카데믹 플래티넘 서재의 모든 신학 도서를 포함하고 있는 2025 아카데믹 다이아몬드 서재는 The Old and New Testament Library Series | OTL/NTL (68 vols.), Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament | EGGNT (14 vols.), International Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament (IECOT) and The New International Greek Testament Commentary (NIGTC) Commentary Collection (23 vols.), Encyclopedia Britannica Collection, Wiley Blackwell Bible Commentaries | WBBC: Old and New Testament (22 vols.) 등의 핵심 자료를 추가하여, 더욱 풍성한 서재를 제공합니다.

주요 자료

The Old and New Testament Library Series | OTL/NTL (68 vols.)

Both the Old Testament Library and New Testament Library series offer authoritative commentary on many Old and New Testament books and also provides additional works that closely examine major aspects of both testaments. These important series contains modern works written by noted authors as well as classic volumes of scholarship. Commentaries in this series provide fresh translations based on the best available ancient manuscripts, offer critical portrayals of the historical world in which the books were created, pay careful attention to their literary design, and present a theologically perceptive exposition of the text. Individually, each of these commentaries allow teachers and students to hone in on unique elements present in a stand-alone book of the Bible. Together, the power of these commentaries and theological works provides a plurality of perspectives that together facilitate better interpretation and clarity from the podium, behind the pulpit, and beyond.

정가: $1,649.99


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