디지털 Logos 에디션
Originally part of the New International Commentary (NIC) series, John Murray brings us rich biblical insight, meticulously researched background information, elucidated wisdom, and highly accessible writing in this important work on Romans. The Epistle to the Romans (2 vols.) was a ground-breaking work when first written, and today it is still highly valued for its scholarship. This timeless set is a fantastic addition to the library of any biblical scholar, all pastors, teachers of the Scriptures, and laity. All who wish to glean more from Romans than ever before will find Murray's volume to be the perfect tool for the study of this Pauline epistle.
Romans is a book well-deserving of the two volumes of commentary given it by Murray, who affords it focused and thought-provoking exegesis. Murray's words are more accessible than ever in digital format—scriptural cross-references can be accessed easily, the commentary can be linked to your favorite Bible translations, and the Passage Guide provides dozens of search results at the click of a mouse.
Please note: these two volumes will download as a single resource.
“The believer’s once-for-all death to the law and to sin does not free him from the necessity of mortifying sin in his members; it makes it necessary and possible for him to do so.” (Volume 1, Page 294)
“It is apparent that the making known of salvation and the showing forth or revelation of righteousness are parallel expressions and convey substantially the same thought. Hence in the language of the Old Testament the salvation of God and the righteousness of God in such contexts are virtually synonymous—the working of salvation and the revelation of righteousness are to the same effect.” (Volume 1, Page 29)
“‘Ungodliness’ refers to perversity that is religious in character, ‘unrighteousness’ to what is moral; the former is illustrated by idolatry, the latter by immorality. The order is, no doubt, significant. In the apostle’s description of the degeneracy impiety is the precursor of immorality.” (Volume 1, Page 36)
“To be baptized ‘into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost’ (Matt. 28:19) is to be baptized into the fellowship of the three persons of the Godhead. Hence baptism into Christ signifies simply union with him and participation of all the privileges which he as Christ Jesus embodies. (3) If baptism signifies union with Christ, it must mean union with him in all that he is and in all phases of his work as the Mediator. Christ Jesus cannot be contemplated apart from his work nor his work apart from him. Neither can one phase of his redemptive accomplishment be separated from another. Therefore union with Christ, which baptism signifies, means union with him in his death.” (Volume 1, Page 214)
. . . the most beautifully written commentary on the planet.
—John Piper, chancellor, Bethlehem College and Seminary
No one is more able or probably likely to succeed John Murray in explaining God's own glory as the sole cause of redemption.
—Online Reviewer
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John Murray, born in 1898, was a Scottish soldier, theologian, and professor. He wrote several important works, including Redemption Accomplished and Applied, Principles of Conduct, and The Imputation of Adam's Sin. Murray died in 1975.
15개 리뷰
Ken McClurkin
Forrest Cole
George Crocker
Yobber Gutierrez
Brayden Brookshier
Eric Wendt
Daniel Caballero
Ricardo Romero
Daniel M. Mandery
Benjamin Cocar