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제품>John: Jesus Christ Is God (Focus on the Bible | FB)

John: Jesus Christ Is God (Focus on the Bible | FB)

저자 - William Cook
ISBN: 9781789197176

디지털 Logos 에디션

Logos 에디션은 사용자 서재 및 성경 연구 도구와 완벽하게 연결됩니다.



John’s Gospel is the mature reflections of the last living apostle. John the apostle wrote this book approximately fifty-five years after the resurrection of Jesus. During those years he had reflected on the words and deeds of Jesus and the result is that the pages of the Gospel contain the seasoned thinking of one of Jesus’ closest friends. New Testament scholar William F. Cook brings us the latest in the popular Focus on the Bible series. In a lucid and engaging style, he leads us through the Gospel of John.

Top Highlights

“This passage should cause us to ask whether our hearts are dry and our spiritual passions weak and anemic. Do we know anything of true hunger for the Living Bread and a thirst for the Living Water? Or do we continue on performing our spiritual disciplines and carrying out our religious rituals with no sense of desire for God?” (Page 47)

“It is best therefore to understand ‘greater works’ as demonstrated in the geographical spread of the gospel and in the large number of converts to Christ. Jesus ministered in one place at a time, and to a limited number of people; His disciples would take the gospel to the ends of the earth and see significant numbers converted to Christ.” (Page 220)

“Four characteristics of a prayer offered in Jesus’ name are: (1) God’s glory is the prayer’s goal (14:13); (2) Christ’s person and work are its basis; (3) being filled with God’s Word and living in obedience are the prerequisite to it (cf. 15:7); (4) the request is in accordance with Jesus’ character and will.” (Page 220)

“She must make a change in behavior if she is to escape God’s judgment. Jesus extends mercy to her while at the same time calling her to account for her sin. We are left to wonder if the woman responded positively or not to Christ’s graciousness.” (Page 135)

“It is likely that John wanted his readers to understand this miracle as more than an act of physical healing, though it was that, for he also wanted to demonstrate Jesus as the giver of life—physical and spiritual.” (Page 88)

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