디지털 Logos 에디션
The Swanson Greek New Testament Morphology, applied to the Fourth Edition of the United Bible Societies' Greek New Testament The approach to morphological analysis taken in this project is largely formal and traditional, but influenced and modified by a functional perspective. In some cases, therefore, the grammatical parsing may correspond to what the form is "being used as", rather than what the form "looks like" according to traditional paradigms. For example, some forms traditionally classed as passive or middle are categorized as "deponent" if they are serving as active or stative and not passive or middle. Also, lemmas that are often parsed as "adjectives" (but are really nouns) have been further refined in the parsing as nouns or "substantivals." Generally, Swanson has compared the standard lexicography of BDAG with semantically based innovations of Louw and Nida, with a view to make a refinement of New Testament forms. While seeking to be positively innovative, it nevertheless regards the traditional parsing models as profitable.
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